Examining: Poverty in Our Backyard is a 1 credit hour, Self-Study/Instructor-Guided Course (SS/IG) that examines the cumulative effects of poverty related stress on students and what educators can do about it.  As poverty continues to increase in our communities and more and more students in our classrooms come from low SES homes, it is important for educators to understand the effects poverty can have on their students and their students’ school success. Participants will first learn about stress-based factors that cause very real physiological changes in both the brains and bodies of low SES students causing them to lag behind same-age peers.  Next, participants will examine strategies, activities, and programs that provide the behavioral and cognitive supports low SES students need for success, as well as models for providing family support. Finally participants will have a chance to develop a plan for their classroom or school that  implements and/or integrates changes that will positively support low SES students and families.